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FLOW and UTS employees benefit from newly introduced Parental Leave Policy by Liberty Latin America

16 weeks paid leave for new mothers; 8 paid weeks for new fathers

Willemstad, Curaçao (August, 2019) Local Telecommunications providers Flow and UTS have unveiled a ground-breaking parental leave policy for all full-time staff.
Officially introduced on June 1st, employees of Flow and UTS can now look forward to benefiting from paid maternity leave of sixteen weeks and paid paternity leave of eight weeks. In Curaçao, fathers only received 5 days of parental leave after the birth of their child(ren), meaning that this is a significant step in contributing to the family bonding, that special time for our employees and their families. Expectant mothers now have 2 additional weeks to their entitled 14 weeks.

The new policy, which was developed by parent company Liberty Latin America, will provide paid leave to employees following the birth of a child.
“Evolving our parental leave policy, quite simply, is the right thing to do,” said Ms. Kerry Scott, Chief People Officer, Liberty Latin America. “We recognize that diversity drives success, and family dynamics and structures have changed. Our new policy demonstrates our commitment to a culture of diversity and inclusion and one that puts our people at the heart of our success.”

Nicolas Collette, Southern Caribbean VP for Cable and Wireless, welcomed the new policy and described it as a seminal moment for the company. “As a business leader, I’m very proud that we’ve introduced such an innovative and progressive policy. As a father myself, I know the value of creating special moments with your new-born, so I’m proud to be a part of an organization that truly values its people,” he said.

Mr. Collette continued: “The same way we create moments that matter for our customers each day, we also want our team members to enjoy the special moments in their lives and there’s nothing more special than the birth of a child. It is initiatives such as these that demonstrate our unique company culture. There is an abundance of research that illustrates how beneficial paid parental leave can be not just for parents, but also for children, the wider community and companies.”

Employees of Flow and UTS are already enjoying the benefits of this new policy. Mr. Roderick Martina who is the first father within the companies to benefit from the initiative indicates: “I am very happy with the policy change from 5 days to 8 weeks. As a father I am very excited to be able to spend more time with my baby girl Thazjëana.”


On the picture: Mr. Roderick Martina and his princess Thazjëana Aliana Martina



Empleadonan di FLOW i UTS ta benefisiá di pólisa nobo di Liberty Latin America pa ferlòf di mayornan

16 siman pagá pa mamanan i 8 siman pa tatanan

Willemstad, Kòrsou, Ougùstùs, 2019 Kompanianan lokal di telekomunikashon Flow i UTS a revelá un pólisa di ferlòf di paternidat pionero pa tur empleado full time. Riba promé di yüni último esaki a ser introdusí ofisialmente i awor empleadonan di Flow i UTS ta entusiasmá ku e benefisio aki di 16 siman ferlòf di embaraso' ('zwangerschapsverlof pagá') i 8 siman ferlòf pagá pa tatanan. Na Kòrsou tatanan ta risibí solamente 5 dia di ferlòf despues di nasementu di nan yu(nan). Pues, esaki ta nifiká un kambio signifikante den e kontribushon pa engrandesé e laso familiar durante e periodo speshal aki pa nos empleadonan i nan famia. Mamanan ku ta den espera ta haña awor 2 siman adishonal riba e 14 simannan ku nan tin derecho riba dje.

E pólisa nobo aki ku a ser kreá pa kompania mama Liberty Latin America, lo proveé e ferlòf di mayor(nan) na tur empleado despues di nasementu di un yu. “Kambia nos pólisa di ferlòf di mayor(nan) ta simplemente e lokual ta korekto pa hasi”, asina señora Kerry Scott, Chief People Officer di Liberty Latin America, a indiká. “Nos ta rekonosé ku diversidat ta empuhe pa éksito i ku e dinámika di famia i strukturanan mester kambia. Nos pólisa ta demostrá nos dedikashon na un kultura di diversidat i inklushon i unu ku ta pone nos hendenan na kurason di nos éksito.”

Señor Nicolas Collette, Southern Caribbean VP pa Cable and Wireless, a yama bon bini na e pólisa nobo aki i a deskribí esaki komo unu di gran importansia pa e kompania. “Komo un lider den komersio, mi ta sumamente orguyoso ku nos a introdusí un pólisa asina inovativo i progresivo. Mi mes komo tata sa e balor di krea momentunan speshal ku bo resien nasí. Pues mi ta orguyoso di ta parti di un organisashon ku di bèrdat ta balorá su hendenan”, asina el a splika.

Señor Collette a kontinuá: “Di mes manera ku nos ta krea momentonan di importansia pa nos klientenan, asina tambe nos ke pa e miembronan di nos tim disfrutá di e momentunan speshal den nan mes bida. No tin nada mas speshal ku nasementu di un yu. Ta inisiativanan manera esaki ta demostrá e kultura úniko di e kompania. Tin masha hopi investigashon ku a ilustrá kon benefisioso e ferlòf di mayor(nan) pagá aki ta pa no solamente e mayornan, pero tambe pa e muchanan, komunidat den su totalidat i kompanianan.”

Empleadonan di Flow i UTS ya kaba ta benefisiando di e pólisa nobo aki. Señor Roderick Martina, kende ta e promé tata den e kompania aki ku ta benefisiá di e inisiativa a indiká: “Mi ta hopi kontentu ku e kambio di e pólisa di 5 dia pa 8 siman. Komo tata mi ta entusiasmá pa por pasa mas tempu ku mi yu muhé Thazjëana.”

Riba potrèt: Señor Roderick Martina i su prinsesa Thazjëana Aliana Martina


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